News from Fondren digitization project

This project was started in November 2013 in order to place the entire run of News from Fondren in the IR. Everything since 1998 had been done, what remained were the first six volumes, 19 issues, ranging from 1991-1997. The first step was to find the best way to scan the images. Due to the type (freckled) and thickness of the paper, it was decided to use a flatbed scanner. File naming conventions were implemented and staff were trained. All told, over 160 pages were scanned.The scanned pages were then edited for completeness and quality, and the scans were combined into PDF files into their original order and, after metadata was embedded, transferred to the IR where they are now available for viewing.

Link to News from Fondren  issues

A big thank you to Helen Gibbs, Sonia Shankle and Monica Rivero!


Fondren Executive Committee Meetings Summaries (5/1 & 5/8)

Executive Committee Meeting Summary for May 1, 2014

Diane Butler gave an IT and Access Services update, beginning with catalog changes now being tested in the Sirsi test system (cordoba) and soon to be implemented in the live system (alexandria). The changes resulted from feedback in the recent user study on catalog use ( The new study room reservation system is set to go live 5/27/14, with formal rollout in the fall. Study rooms affected by the upcoming renovations will be offline beginning after finals until their upgrades are complete, perhaps as early as mid-July. The limits on faculty renewal of material is being changed from 10 years to 5 years; some phasing will be necessary. In order to facilitate renewals, use of handheld devices in faculty offices is being explored. Feature film DVDs will now have a week-long checkout period. Replacement costs for lost books have been updated. The processing fee for a lost book is going up to $40 from $30; no fines will be charged unless the book is found and returned. Microfilm checkout period is one week; no microfilm will be loaned on ILL during the renovation. Fondren is collaborating with the Center for Oral, Visual and Written Communication (COVWC) on updating the furniture in study room 201. Diane is monitoring feasibility of having student workers from Central IT help users in the library evenings and weekends.

Sara Lowman shared library budget scenarios to be presented to the Rice Board of Trustees at the May meeting. We should know shortly after that meeting what has been officially approved. Sara is in talks with leaders from Medical Center institutions regarding resource sharing with Rice.

Sara and the renovation group working on furniture met with Louann Risseeuw, furniture rep for Rice Facilities, Engineering and Planning (FE&P). FE&P is waiting for bidding architects to return Rice’s request for proposal (RFP) for the Fondren renovation. First floor shelving and lighting scenarios are being discussed; current shelving has built-in lighting so lower shelving will require lighting changes wherever it is used.

Diane shared that the renovation group working on designing the instructional space was ready to turn in its final construction recommendations. The group’s other recommendations pertaining to equipment, furniture, etc. are still pending.

User experience factors are being considered in the placement of microfilm readers in the renovation of the Kelley Center. Acquiring more space-efficient microfiche cabinets is also under consideration.

At the next meeting, the group will review the costs and benefits of Fondren’s consortial memberships.

[Because there was not time to report as an agenda item, Melinda Flannery shared after the meeting highlights from the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, including the following links:

Piper, a repository-agnostic batch deposit tool

TAMU implementation of ORCIDs across their grad student population:

Project to develop reliable OCR/transcription for ECCO through scholarly crowd-sourcing and the TypeRight software:

Three Minute Thesis program:]

Executive Committee Meeting Summary for May 8, 2014

No meeting

Fondren Executive Committee Meetings Summaries (4/17 and 4/24)

Executive Committee Meeting Summary for April 17, 2014

Diane Butler, Melinda Reagor Flannery and Sara Lowman provided feedback on a draft job description for the head of the Kelley Center.

Rice has hired consultants to review staff job structures and compensation.

The Friends of Fondren Board has decided to use remaining money in the book sale fund to cover part of the cost for equipping the new DMC video production studio.

Executive Committee Meeting Summary for April 24, 2014

No meeting.