Executive Committee meeting summaries (September 4-September 18, 2014)

September 4

No meeting.

September 11

Guests were Sandi Edwards and Debra Kolah. Lowman described the desire to review the library’s assessment efforts. Rice’s next SACS accreditation review is scheduled for March 2016, and we will soon need to begin to prepare for Rice’s annual ROARS (Rice Outcomes Assessment Reporting System) process for 2014. The library already performs periodic surveys, including 3 administrations of LibQual, evaluations of activities sponsored by the Staff Travel, Training and Development Committee and UX (User Experience) projects.

Doing our next major survey was discussed, focusing on LibQual and a new offering from the consulting firm Ithaka S + R. There has been difficulty with accessibility to the LibQual surveys for participants with disabilities, and customization options have been limited. Ithaka is now offering a locally tailored faculty and student survey, building on their record of successful national faculty surveys (http://www.sr.ithaka.org/research-publications/faculty-survey-series). It seems highly customizable. Because of its cost, university libraries routinely partner with other campus offices, such as a writing center, to pay for it. Some preference was expressed for giving the survey in the spring. Kolah will contact Ithaka to let them know we would like to participate and to ask some questions raised in the discussion. She will also do a literature search for any published accounts of participation at other university libraries.

It is possible that a more formal review of Fondren’s assessment activities and options may still be desired.

September 18

Guests were Shannon Kipphut, Amanda Focke, Mike Dewey (Director, Academic and Research Computing). Mike Dewey was invited to share information about his IT division’s projects and discuss how the library and IT can collaborate effectively. All agreed that the library’s role in managing data should be developed in collaboration with IT, and that close communication will prevent wasted resources and overlaps in service.

Dewey stayed for the discussion of the Horizon report Open Educational Resources as a Factor in the Effective Development of MOOCs [link]. The library’s role in supporting MOOCs has been evolving, as has Rice’s exploration of MOOC possibilities. Three high school courses are now in development. The library can create a Libguide on MOOC development resources, and provide short courses and individual consultation on where to find Open Educational Resources (OERs) for use in MOOCs. Helping faculty members track down clearances for materials under copyright for use in MOOCs is extremely time-consuming and will not scale. Rice Online, the campus entity coordinating Rice’s MOOC efforts, now has a website and is adding positions.

Dewey asked how the library is handling campus interest in 3-D printing. Currently, inquirers are directed to the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) or the Moody Center for the Arts. There is campus interest in more access to 3-D printing. Staffing and hours of access are complex issues for this technology.

Upcoming Student Event: Bingo Night, Monday, October 6th

C-MACS is hosting a Bingo Night for students on Monday, October 6th. The scavenger hunt event will start at a table across from Access Services, and take students throughout the building as they look for the locations on their bingo card. There will be packaged snacks, in the spirit of our new Food & Drink policy, at several locations: the 6th floor study area, the 4th floor vending machines, CWOVC service desk, the Government Information librarian service desk, and Fondren 156. The snacks will be labeled with additional information about services and policies. We hope the event will be a fun, lively way for students to learn about Fondren, and navigate the building! Prizes include:  maze pens, highlighters, carabiners, and small notebooks. For the energetic students that get a “black-out” by visiting every stop on their card, additional small prizes include: owl magnets, owl erasers, owl LED lights, and dust cloths. A big thank you to Friends of Fondren for helping with some of the prizes!  Marketing of the event will start later this week. Please encourage your student workers to attend!

Prizes for Bingo night


Bingo Night black-out prizes

Questions or comments? Please contact a member of the committee: Debra Kolah (Chair), David Bynog, Sandi Edwards, Jeff Koffler, Jean Aroom, Norie Guthrie, and Judy Howell


LSC – Duc and Jay – Changing Shelf Heights

This is my 1st attempt at a Blog, hope it is OK. The pic is Duc Pham and Jay Gillen removing heavy metal shelves, re-positioning brackets, and re-installing at another location. As the space here fills up, we often run low on the popular shelf heights.

C-MACS Update: Owl cards

The C-MACS committee is rolling out a new marketing campaign this Fall. A series of “owl cards” will be placed at service points throughout the library this week, to help inform visitors and students on commonly asked questions. The cards look great displayed graphic-side out, but could also be displayed information-side out.

Each major service point will receive two holders, and the set of 12 cards that make up the collection. Topics include: Food & Drink, Special Collections & Archives, Feedback, Prints, Scans & Copies, Expert Advice, Visitor Services, Research Planning, Geographic Data & Mapping, Study Spaces, Learning Opportunities, Audio Visual Equipment, and Expert Advice.

Inspiration for this project came from the nice “moo cards” Andy Damico, Preservation Librarian, used for Preservation Week in 2013 & 2014.

Information-side displayed

Graphic-side displayed

Owl card close-up

Several students assisted in the usability and quick identification of the topics of the card, based on just looking at the original designs of the cards, and Jeff tweaked the designs to be cute, and instructive. We hope you love them!

Questions or comments? Please contact a member of the committee: Debra Kolah (Chair), David Bynog, Sandi Edwards, Jeff Koffler, Jean Aroom, Norie Guthrie, and Judy Howell


Fondren Executive Committee Meeting Summaries (August 21-August 28)

August 21

Judy Howell visited to discuss Fondren’s fundraising efforts.  Howell plans to update the “one-pager” listing fundraising priorities for Fondren, since it hasn’t been revised since 2007. The Executive Committee identified four key areas to focus on, including current use funds (such as technology), capital projects, a proposed fellowship program, and digital projects. Executive Committee members will provide Judy with short descriptions to be used in funding requests.

Lowman offered an update on the renovation project. Since project costs are within the anticipated range, work is proceeding on renovations to the basement (including relocating the Kelley Center collections and building a new space for the DMC and a collaboration room) and the south end of the first floor. Demolition work on the basement back stacks area will start in late September, and the basement renovation is expected to be completed in mid-December.

The Executive Committee reviewed and provided feedback on updates to the university policy concerning travel.

August 28

The library will close over the winter break (December 25-January 4).

The Executive Committee offered feedback on the draft Rice Digital Scholarship Archive Deposit Guidelines, which will be posted soon at scholarship.rice.edu.

Staff are encouraged to attend Dan Cohen’s October 29 lecture, “The Emerging Research Environment & the Digital Public Library of America.” Cohen serves as the Executive Director, Digital Public Library of America and formerly was the director of the Center for History and New Media. The lecture will take place at 4 p.m. in 301 Sewall Hall.

Fondren has been challenged by the University of Texas Libraries to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. If staff are interested, they can volunteer to help organize Fondren’s response. Participation is completely optional.

Melinda Flannery thanked Diane Butler for recommending that interview groups do more advanced preparation for candidate interviews; the change allowed for more focused questions and will become a standard part of the interview process for librarian positions.

Topics for upcoming Executive Committee meetings:

  • September 4: no meeting
  • September 11: library assessment
  • Sept 18: Mike Dewey (to be confirmed)
  • Sept 25: IT projects
  • October 2: library communications
  • October 9: no meeting