CMACS November and December meeting notes

Fondren Research Support fair–we plan on having this event next year again. Debra reported that the Asst. Director of the Office of Academic Advising shared that they were very happy to be a part of the event, and want Fondren to participate in their event during O-Week Orientation.

CMACS will hold Social Media Training in early 2015, but date will be dependent on other events. This will be lecture style, in KMR, but we will offer one-on-one sign-ups at the event for folks that need/want some additional support. Training will include: Facebook posting changes, Best Practices, and our current channels.

CMACS recently completed and will send to the Welcome Center a new script for the library portion of the general Rice University tours.

CMACS will be involved in the Ithaka S+R survey to be implemented in the Spring. CMACS will think of ideas to increase faculty and student participation.

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