Going guerrilla in Fondren

Recently, you may have noticed a table set up near one of the entrances at Fondren, displaying delicious (chocolate!) candy and Fondren swag.

Pauline conducting guerrilla testing in the library

The UX Office is continuing to do guerrilla testing on the main floor of the library this semester. Debra Kolah first started using this UX technique at Fondren with a student worker last year.

We usually set up a table with one or two representatives from the UX Office. Pauline Chen, our student worker pictured above, developed a new method of testing this semester: traveling around campus to conduct testing with students in public spaces outside of Fondren.

Michael conducting guerrilla testing

Michael Chiles, Access Services Associate, also designed several guerrilla testing tasks and collected data to fulfill requirements for a graduate school course.

This semester, we have primarily used Google Forms to collect data while testing. This gives easily repeatable structure to the tests and data can be collected on any mobile device. The form automatically saves submitted data to a Google spreadsheet which also can be shared, manipulated and downloaded in multiple formats.

Guerrilla testing helps us to not only quickly collect valuable qualitative and quantitative information, but also to deeply engage and connect with the Fondren community.

We have collected data and feedback in a number of different areas already, and will devote the rest of the fall semester primarily to analyzing this information and reporting out to different departments and committees in late 2015 and early 2016.



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