Executive Committee summaries (Feb. 4, 11 & 18, 2016)

February 4

The group reviewed documentation in preparation for the scheduled February 11 meeting with Angela Lipari of HR.

February 11

Angela Lipari visited to review information collected for the Careers @ Rice program. The next step will be for Executive Committee members to attend a benchmarking workshop on February 25.

The committee discussed the possibility of signing up for the Knowledge Unlatched Round 2 pilot, a collaboration to support open access publishing.

Sara Lowman invited ideas for the March 22 Library Committee meeting.

Discussion continued on possible further library collaboration with the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Program in Writing and Communication.

February 18

Sara Lowman shared some background budget information from the Senior Leadership Retreat. She is participating in a campus-wide review of study spaces.

The group reviewed and endorsed the recommendations of the UX office study describing student input on the disposition of three rooms available on the first floor for repurposing.

The group reviewed budget documentation Sara Lowman must submit soon to the Budget Office.

International Travel


International SOS information:

Rice University uses International SOS services for international travel on university business. A benefit of the service is the opportunity for Rice employees to purchase medical and travel security assistance on an individual basis for personal travel at a 20% discount. Staff interested in this should contact the ISOS Individual Membership Department, who will walk them through the process.

International SOS Individual Membership Department
Customer Support
1-800-523-8662 toll free

In order to get the 20% discount, we need to use the Rice membership number (11BYSG000011) and our Rice NetID and password.

Coverage for each trip will be written separately and each quote depends on the details of the trip, such as the travel destination, the age of the traveler, and the number of people traveling. Also, family coverage has some additional requirements that will be addressed during the registration process. We can get a quote for free without an obligation to purchase.

More information can be found at the Office of Risk Management, along with the Rice membership number. Another resource can be found here.

Executive Committee Summaries (January 21 & 28, 2016)

January 21, 2016

  1.  Lisa Spiro and Melinda Reagor Flannery discussed the call for project ideas for the new Fondren Fellows program.
  2. Sara Lowman presented the university’s budget guidelines for FY 17. Members of the Executive Committee divided up responsibilities for writing different sections of the budget document.
  3. Sara Lowman updated the Executive Committee on the decision to make Access Services part of Research Services, reporting to Kerry Keck.
  4. The Executive Committee talked about a recent New York Times article on entrepreneurship education that featured Rice. To explore how Fondren might support/ partner with these efforts, the Horizon Committee will be encouraged to invite someone from Rice’s entrepreneurship program to present as part of its upcoming speaker series.
  5. The Executive Committee discussed bringing in a workflow consultant to advise on potential workflow changes.
  6. The Executive Committee explored strategies for encouraging mutual respect among staff and ensuring that all pitch in to accomplish the library’s mission. Melinda Flannery will consult with Marie Wehrung about potential approaches to training.

January 28, 2016

  1. Sara Lowman announced that collections have not yet moved to the South Reading Room because new shelving needs to be in place first.
  2. The Executive Committee discussed a potential collaboration with the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Program in Writing and Communication.

Happy Love Your Data Week!

Love Your Data Week (February 8-13) is a social media event coordinated by research data specialists, mostly working in academic and research libraries. It’s designed to raise awareness about research data management, sharing, and preservation along with the support and resources available at colleges and universities.

"data (scrabble)" by justgrimes is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

“data (scrabble)” by justgrimes is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Although Fondren isn’t hosting any formal Love Your Data Week activities this year, it is the perfect opportunity to highlight the work of Rice’s Research Data Management Team:

What should you include in your data management plan for your next funding proposal? How can you best organize and describe your data so that it can easily be found and shared with collaborators? How should you store and archive your data? Where at Rice can you find help in managing research data?

Rice’s Research Data Management Team (RDMT) brings together specialists from the library and OIT to help researchers organize, store and preserve their research data. We provide:

  • feedback on data management plans
  • training on effective data management
  • consultations on data management tools and resources at and beyond Rice

Learn more at http://researchdata.rice.edu/

Fondren Research Data Management Team members include: Jean Aroom, Scott Carlson, Shannon Kipphut-Smith, Jun Qian, Monica Rivero, Lisa Spiro, and  Kathy Weimer.

In addition to learning more about the resources available to Rice researchers, consider applying some of the tips offered by the Love Your Data Week organizers to better manage your own data: