Executive Committee Summaries (January 21 & 28, 2016)

January 21, 2016

  1.  Lisa Spiro and Melinda Reagor Flannery discussed the call for project ideas for the new Fondren Fellows program.
  2. Sara Lowman presented the university’s budget guidelines for FY 17. Members of the Executive Committee divided up responsibilities for writing different sections of the budget document.
  3. Sara Lowman updated the Executive Committee on the decision to make Access Services part of Research Services, reporting to Kerry Keck.
  4. The Executive Committee talked about a recent New York Times article on entrepreneurship education that featured Rice. To explore how Fondren might support/ partner with these efforts, the Horizon Committee will be encouraged to invite someone from Rice’s entrepreneurship program to present as part of its upcoming speaker series.
  5. The Executive Committee discussed bringing in a workflow consultant to advise on potential workflow changes.
  6. The Executive Committee explored strategies for encouraging mutual respect among staff and ensuring that all pitch in to accomplish the library’s mission. Melinda Flannery will consult with Marie Wehrung about potential approaches to training.

January 28, 2016

  1. Sara Lowman announced that collections have not yet moved to the South Reading Room because new shelving needs to be in place first.
  2. The Executive Committee discussed a potential collaboration with the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Program in Writing and Communication.

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