It’s a Wrap! Fondren Library Ambassadors update

The Fondren Library Ambassadors wrapped up the year with a final meeting in April. Several student ambassadors will be continuing for 2017-2018:

*Meghana Gaur (Lovett), Rakesh Vijayakumar (Brown), Kseniya Anishchenko (Sid Rich), Reagan Hahn (Will Rice), and Anirudh Kunaparaju (Jones). The Fondren Library Ambassador facilitators, Debra Kolah, Norie Guthrie and Amanda Thomas, are actively recruiting for students that can represent the remaining colleges: Weiss, Martell, Duncan, McMurtry, Hanzen, and the Graduate Student Association.

This past year the students helped to market and promote multiple events, including study breaks, pet therapy, the research awards, and Fondren 101. One big project for the year involved compiling a photo diary–students were given 20 prompts, and asked to photograph areas in the library that answered the prompt. (Your favorite place to study in Fondren Library. A place in the library where you feel lost. Where you go in the library to ask questions?) The UX Office will present the photo diaries for interested library staff in mid-June in the Collaboration space.

Another important Ambassador project was getting student input into how some of the KRTU funds could be spent. When KTRU was sold, an endowment was set up for the following purpose “To support student-centered improvements in Fondren Library as determined by the University Librarian.”   In the past,  the fund was used to supplement technology in the study rooms, purchase the portable charging stations, and purchase lounge furniture on the 4th floor. The students had a spreadsheet that they contributed ideas to all year, and they solicited feedback from students across campus. They were encouraged to identify needs which included: collections support, furniture, or technology.

A report was prepared and presented to Sara in April, and after discussions of feasibility, the following improvements will be made over the summer:

The area outside of Room 156 will be made into a casual, beverage allowed area, with improved lighting and innovative seating/furniture that includes standing tables.

(First floor area outside of Room 156 will be improved this summer, with new seating, lamps, and standing desks.)


4th floor cubicle areas will be repainted and improved with new seating and cafe-style tables.


Attention will be given to the 4th floor study cubicles along the West side of the building, especially paint, electrical improvements, new chairs, and cafe style seating.

Improved access and more office supplies near printers on the first floor, in the basement, and at the Access Services desk, including: staplers, paper cutters, paper.

More rolling white boards will be purchased.

Ambassadors suggested a few different variations on the theme of standing/active desks. It is clear that Rice students are interested in staying active and healthy while they study, and would like their furniture in the library to reflect that need. Specific items requested include: standing desks, stationary bike desks, cycling chairs, and treadmill desks.

We will experiment with having a few computer monitors that allow for a laptop to be plugged in directly.

A subscription to the New York Times online will be acquired.  

A full-length white board wall will be provided  in several study rooms.

Additionally, we are exploring ways to accommodate longer borrowing times for lockers;  increased signage (inside and outside the library);  providing color printing in the library; new window film/coverings for the study carrels, increased access to several computer programs, including MATLAB; and better options in the vending machine.

A special thank you to Sara Lowman for her support of the Library Ambassadors, and to Jeff Koffler for the design work that will improve the spaces identified by the students.


New exhibits on World War I, Sammy the Owl, and Brazilian chapbooks

Red Cross exhibit


Woodson Research Center has several new exhibits now on display in Fondren and in the RMC.

2017 is the centennial year of the U.S. involvement in World War I (1914-19). In collaboration with Rice University’s Anthropology Department, an exhibit in the cases near the east entrance of the library focuses on Camp Logan, a World War I training camp once situated in what is today Memorial Park in northwest Houston.

Location of Camp Logan in today’s Memorial Park


“Camp Logan in Memorial Park: Houston’s Hidden History” was co-curated by Rice undergraduate student Dylan Dickens (Martel ’18), Dr. Jeffrey Fleisher, and Rebecca Russell. Although the centennial is the inspiration for the exhibit, Rice University faculty, staff, and students have been involved in researching and preserving Camp Logan’s history for some time; the Woodson Research Center has a collection of papers related to a soldier’s time at the camp, and the Anthropology Department have been investigating Camp Logan archaeologically since 2015. These collections and the results of this research form part of the exhibit.

In the 1st floor hallway, “Camp Logan Centennial postcards” features selections of historic postcards depicting images of soldiers training at Camp Logan. The postcards are on loan from the Robbie Morin Camp Logan Collection.

Inside the Woodson Research Center, “Do Your Bit: the American Red Cross during World War I” features selections from Woodson Research Center collections about the American Red Cross during World War I and local efforts at Rice Institute and Houston to support the war effort.

Rice female Red Cross members

Rice Auxiliary Red Cross members


In the flat cases outside of the Woodson Research Center, a small exhibit features selections from the Richard and Sandra Lauderdale Graham Brazilian Chapbook Collection. The inexpensively printed booklets or pamphlets known as cordel literature (from the Portuguese term literatura de cordel, literally “string literature”) originated in rural northeastern Brazil as humble poets and artists used this means to reach a popular audience. Containing folk novels, poems, and songs illustrated initially with woodblock prints and later with photo images, these booklets were sold at fairs and by street vendors. Production of the booklets reached a peak in the 1920’s and 1930’s, but the present collection makes clear that they were still being created in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

Brazilian Chapbooks


In the Rice Memorial Center trophy case, an exhibit in conjunction with Rice Athletics’ new branding initiative, highlights the evolution of the Rice Athletics mascot Sammy the Owl through University Archives’ photographs, memorabilia, and ephemera.

Sammy the Owl



Staff Association meeting and Staff Lounge updates

The general meeting for the Staff Association was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. On the agenda for the meeting were updates from the subcommittees: Staff Relations, Work Environment, and Arts & Entertainment. Minutes for the meeting are available on the Fondren Library wiki.

Under new business, Staff Association Executive Committee (SAEC) Chair Davian Smith discussed the proposed changes to the Staff Lounge. Several staff members have commented on the outdated furniture and a desire for a fresh, more welcoming lounge.

Proposed layout

SAEC propose to replace the dining chairs and the arm chairs in the staff lounge.

Replacement chairs

The two Herman Miller Eames sofas can be reupholstered. The SAEC also suggest replacing the wall art with large full-color photographs of campus views depicting the natural beauty and architectural details of the campus. A discussion of the quiet space which includes a bed and screen was conducted. After the meeting several concerns were raised about the removal of the bed so it has been decided to keep the bed which is frequently used by staff for breaks.

The SAEC appreciates everyone who has expressed their concerns and suggestions regarding the Staff lounge makeover. To gather input regarding the wall art, Jeff Koffler has kindly created a selection of non-Rice images. Options for the staff lounge photos are in a low resolution contact sheet here: We have the full resolution files for printing which show much more detail. Staff can choose their top 12 photos on this form:

Any original artwork that was in the lounge will find a permanent home as there is personal significance to many of the pieces.

The SAEC’s plans are to provide a relaxing and enjoyable space for everyone to enjoy. We continue to welcome your input and suggestions to create a welcoming space.

Davian Smith

Rebecca Russell

Francine Arizmendez

Mauricio Prado

Updates from Digital Scholarship Services

The Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) team is striving to raise campus-wide awareness of our expertise and services, and we invite the help of fellow Fondren staff.  Read on to learn about our revamped home page, summer office hours and upcoming train the trainer session on data management. Please contact Lisa Spiro with any questions or suggestions.

Revised DSS home page

To promote the expertise and services provided by DSS, we worked with Jeff Koffler to revamp our home page: We are using an eye-catching set of icons with captions to highlight service areas such as “Manage and Visualize Data” and “Get help planning and implementing projects.” In addition, we have added brief biographies and photos to staff profiles (under “People” on the right sidebar) to emphasize our expertise and approachability.

DSS/ Data Management Office Hours

During the summer, Fondren staff will be on hand to answer questions related to digital scholarship or data management, discuss project ideas, review grant proposals, demonstrate tools, and more. Let faculty, staff and students know that they can drop by the DMC Multi Purpose Room (basement of Fondren) on Thursdays from 11 a.m.- noon– or, of course, stop by yourself.  If Thursdays won’t work, email to schedule an alternate time.

Train the Trainer Session:  Research Data Management

Monday, July 17, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Fondren Collaboration Space
Join members of Rice’s Research Data Management team for an interactive session exploring data management services. Learn how to talk with faculty, grad students and staff about data management and where to point them for assistance. Explore principles of data management that you can apply to your own work, such as file naming and organization. Provide your input to help shape Fondren’s data management services. All Fondren staff are welcome.

Trial Airfare Reimbursement Continues

In order to gain additional information on the impact of full reimbursement of transportation costs for staff professional and scholarly activities, the trial period of reimbursing full transportation costs will be extended for an additional six months, to the end of calendar year 2017.

Fondren Library encourages all library staff to attend professional and scholarly activities which enhance skills and knowledge. To facilitate maximum staff participation in scholarly activity, the Library will continue the trial period in which the FULL cost of a reasonable airfare will be covered for reimbursement. (Currently, the Travel and Development Guidelines for both participants and attendees provide reimbursement for half of a reasonable airfare.)

The definition of a reasonable airfare€ remains unchanged:

“The most economical and direct form of transportation should be used  Economy class airfare should be used.”
€ (

This trial does not change the maximum fiscal year limit of $2,100 for active participation (or the $850 limit for non-participation attendance). As usual, these limitations will be applied when requests for travel funds are submitted to the Library Travel, Training, and Development Committee.

After the trial period ends, a decision will be made on whether to make this trial change permanent.

Executive Committee Meeting Summaries, March 23-April 6, 2017

March 23, 2017

1)   The group discussed the Careers@Rice career profiles and timeline.

2)   The group selected pitches to be given at Fondren’s strategic planning meeting with the president on April 10.

3)   The group decided that the agenda for the Library Committee meeting on April 11 would focus on reviewing the draft strategic plan.

4)   The organizational culture strategic planning group was tasked with coming up with a proposal for addressing identified issues.

March 30, 2017

The Executive Committee and those giving pitches met to discuss the plan for the upcoming meeting with the president.

April 6, 2017

The pitch group practiced their presentations and received feedback from Jennifer Shade Wilson and Kyung-Hee Bae of the Center for Written, Oral, and Visual Communication, as well as members of Exec.