Executive Committee Meeting Summaries, September 28-November 16, 2017

Executive Committee Meeting Summary, September 28, 2017

1)   Debra Kolah reported on the results of the Survey of All Students. See UX Office update: Survey of All Students, Ambassadors, and UX Question of the Week on the libstaff blog.

2)   Denis Galvin presented the charge for the LSP platform group, which was approved.

3)   Sara Lowman updated the committee on the outcomes of the Communications Task Force.

  1. The birthday lunch has been scheduled for those with October birthdays.
  2. Departments should invite Lowman to one of their meetings.
  3.   Lowman received feedback from the chairs of all committees. A few (e.g. the sign committee and the public access ad hoc committee) will be removed from the staff wiki, since they are no longer active.

Executive Committee Meeting Summary, October 19, 2017

The executive committee briefly discussed Fondren’s draft strategic plan.  We will evaluate whether there are holes in our plan, especially in comparison to Rice’s strategic plan. We will wait until January or February to seek feedback from outside Fondren.

Sara Lowman provided an update on follow-up to the recommendations of the communications committee:

  •      The first birthday lunch was held in October and went well.
  •      Each department should invite Sara to attend a meeting.
  •      The accessibility committee has been reconstituted and there are new members of LTTD.

Denis Galvin gave an update on the library service platform (LSP) project. The oversight committee will hand off the project to the implementation group.

Lisa Spiro provided an update on the new Harvey Memories project, a digital archive of stories and artifacts related to Hurricane Harvey. Harvey Memories is a collaboration among Fondren, Rice faculty, UH Libraries, Houston Public Library, and Harris County Public Library and is modeled after similar archives such as Hurricane Digital Memory Bank and the Our Marathon archive.

Executive Committee Meeting Summary, November 3, 2017

The executive committee discussed how to proceed with Fondren’s draft strategic plan. Since the library’s strategic plan was written prior to the university’s, both the strategic planning team and the executive committee will identify gaps in Fondren’s plan and align it with the university’s. Fondren’s plan will be rewritten so that it reflects the style and structure of the university’s plan, putting forward an argument for each goal rather than a list of objectives and action items. Departments and interdepartmental teams will draft action items in support of the revised plan.

Executive Meeting Summary, November 16, 2017

Jeff Koffler, Michael Chiles and Jeanette Sewall visited to discuss plans for upcoming customer service training. CMACS has been working with Melinda English (Organizational and Professional Development Consultant in HR) to create a two-session course on providing excellent customer service. The pilot course will take place in January. Plans for the training will be presented at a Town Hall meeting tentatively scheduled for December.

The executive committee reviewed and approved the library hours for summer 2018 through spring 2019.

Lowman gave an update on Rice’s strategic planning activities. The executive committee and strategic planning team will work to align Fondren’s strategic plan with Rice’s in January, when the final plan is expected to be released.