Executive Committee Meeting Summary, March 1, 2018

RiceWorks changes: The group discussed these changes and their impact on the mechanics of the hiring process, using an example provided by Angela Lipari of HR through Sara.

Research Data team charge: Lisa invited discussion of a previously distributed broader charge for this existing Fondren group, prompted by low campus interest in its previous narrower focus on data management. Lisa will share with Fondren staff the text of the new charge.

Planning process debrief and discussion of the Library Committee discussion of alignment between Fondren’s plan and the recently-released Rice plan (https://v2c2.rice.edu/). The Library Committee discussion focused on four areas in the Rice plan that are not heavily represented in the current draft of the Fondren plan, dividing the committee into subgroups:

Build Renowned Graduate Programs
Invest in Faculty to Achieve Preeminence (discussed together with Elevate Research Achievement and Reputation)
Expand Access, Diversity and Inclusiveness
Extend Rice’s Reach and Impact

Executive Committee members are grateful to Debra Kolah and Amanda Thomas for helping devise the meeting plan and facilitating two of the four groups. Those present raised many interesting ideas, some of which would involve library partnerships with other campus units or initiatives. The Fondren strategic planning team will meet the week of March 5 to assess where we are and plan next steps. Sara has been asked by the provost to present the Fondren plan to the Dean’s Council as it exists on April 12, with no requirement the plan be in final form.

Miscellaneous: The group discussed potential expansion of the Fondren Fellows program, not necessarily by having more fellows but rather by supporting them more deeply.

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