Staff Travel/Training Reminder

The Library Travel, Training and Development (LTTD) Committee would like to remind those who use staff travel and development funds of several guidelines/tips:

  1. All library staff are encouraged to use travel and development funds.
  2. Funds available for active participation (duties as a committee member, speaker, officer, etc.) are capped at $2,100 annually. Funds available for attending (rather than participating) are capped at $850 annually.
  3. Available funds can cover:
    1. Registration at the member level
    2. 100% of reasonable airfare
    3. $175/day per diem for all other travel­ associated costs (e.g., lodging, food, ground transportation), with $80 for the return day
  4. Please do not request reimbursement for expenses in excess of amount approved on Fondren Library Staff Travel Request form.
  5. If you plan on using staff travel funds, please submit a Fondren Library Staff Travel Request form (found on the Fondren wiki) ahead of travel/training.
  6. After travel/training, reimbursement requests must be submitted via Concur. You can access Concur and see training material and resources here:
  7. The travel request form and additional travel guidelines can be found on the Fondren wiki (under “Resources,” “Admin and Staff Forms”)
  8. After travel/training, please complete the Fondren Staff Travel or Training Assessment Form:

If you have any questions about staff travel/training, please do not hesitate to contact the current LTTD co-chairs (Shannon Kipphut-Smith and Siu Min Yu).

New Library Instruction Page

Now under the Services menu on the library homepage you can find the Library Instruction page, This Instruction Committee project brings together information on all library departments that perform instruction– the DMC, GIS/Data Center, Kelley Center, Reference/CD, Research Data Services, UX and the WRC. The page contains entries for each department including contact information and a description of classes offered. We hope users will take advantage of this resource to see all the learning opportunities available at Fondren.

In addition, the page features a new email address,, as a point of contact for library instruction, and links to the tour request form and the Classes and Events calendar.

Thanks to Jeff Koffler and the Web Team for reviewing and setting up the page, to Jane Zhao and Jonathan Rivera for the photo, to Amanda Thomas and the UX staff for feedback on language and terminology, and to everyone who drafted or contributed to the departmental descriptions.