Updates from Digital Scholarship Services

The Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) team is striving to raise campus-wide awareness of our expertise and services, and we invite the help of fellow Fondren staff.  Read on to learn about our revamped home page, summer office hours and upcoming train the trainer session on data management. Please contact Lisa Spiro with any questions or suggestions.

Revised DSS home page

To promote the expertise and services provided by DSS, we worked with Jeff Koffler to revamp our home page: https://library.rice.edu/dss. We are using an eye-catching set of icons with captions to highlight service areas such as “Manage and Visualize Data” and “Get help planning and implementing projects.” In addition, we have added brief biographies and photos to staff profiles (under “People” on the right sidebar) to emphasize our expertise and approachability.

DSS/ Data Management Office Hours

During the summer, Fondren staff will be on hand to answer questions related to digital scholarship or data management, discuss project ideas, review grant proposals, demonstrate tools, and more. Let faculty, staff and students know that they can drop by the DMC Multi Purpose Room (basement of Fondren) on Thursdays from 11 a.m.- noon– or, of course, stop by yourself.  If Thursdays won’t work, email lspiro@rice.edu to schedule an alternate time.

Train the Trainer Session:  Research Data Management

Monday, July 17, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Fondren Collaboration Space
Join members of Rice’s Research Data Management team for an interactive session exploring data management services. Learn how to talk with faculty, grad students and staff about data management and where to point them for assistance. Explore principles of data management that you can apply to your own work, such as file naming and organization. Provide your input to help shape Fondren’s data management services. All Fondren staff are welcome.