Update on the Library Catalog Usability Study

Starting in the Fall of 2012, the Web Team did usability testing on OneSearch with approximately 123 students. That experience led the team to do usability testing on the Library Catalog in the Spring of 2013. The final study, Usability Testing The Classic Catalog & OneSearch is now available on Fondranet.
The Web Team, in collaboration with Technical Services and the IT Team, have been systematically looking at the recommendations that came out of the report, and working on implementing what can be implemented, and looking for additional training or marketing solutions where there is not an easy technological fix. Improvements and changes will continue through the summer, and we will keep you up to date as progress is made. (Web Team Members: Diane Butler (chair), Jeff Koffler, Debra Kolah, Lauren Mueller, Jane Zhao, Sandi Edwards)

Working on understanding user comments.


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