New Study Room Reservation System!

Fondren Library has a new room reservation system! We went live after Memorial Day with a soft launch to figure out any bugs before the Fall semester rush. Here are some important things to know about the new system.


1) If you have fines over $5.00 on your library account, or any overdue books, you won’t be able to log-in to make a reservation.


2) The system deletes your room reservation if the room key is not checked out within fifteen minutes of its specified time.


3) The interface is much more user friendly and intuitive.



4) A live update feature allows you to see what rooms are available at the exact moment that the page is refreshed.


A big thanks goes out to Fondren IT’s Denis Galvin, Mang Sun, and Hanjun Lee, who developed this spiffy new system!


We’d appreciate any feedback so we can make this system as accessible as possible for students. You can contact us at

Fondren Executive Committee Meetings Summaries (5/22-6/5/14)

May 22

No meeting.

May 29

Lowman shared that an architect and a builder have been chosen and that the renovation project kickoff meeting is scheduled for 6/13. She also reported on the Board of Trustees meeting.

The group completed its review of all Fondren’s consortium memberships.

Lowman clarified that 2 7-drawer microfiche cabinets have been purchased for the Kelley Center to improve space use.

The Office of Sponsored Research and the Office of Graduate Studies may be working with Fondren’s Digital Scholarship Services to ease maintenance of the faculty information system by migrating some information from the IR.

The library’s excellent record of assessment and contributions to the SACS accreditation process were complimented recently at a Deans’ Council meeting.

June 5

The group was joined by Debra Kolah, Sandi Edwards, David Bynog and Linda Spiro for a discussion of Fondren’s K-12 initiatives in light of the recent Horizon report on services to the public:

Fondren sends a representative to campus-wide meetings on K-12 efforts. The Welcome Center is primarily responsible for visitors K-8, the Admissions Office handling visitors 9-12 as prospective students. The Fondren paragraph of the script used by student tour guides needs revision. Especially in light of the new room reservation system and the new instructional space (part of the renovation), room reservation policies should be reviewed and revised to best support campus and outreach priorities. Fondren could well emulate the clear guidelines the Welcome Center provides for visitors about group size, duration, etc.: In Fondren, WRC is asked to provide services for some high schools and Reference is asked to provide services for others, with little overlap. A focus group will be conducted to gather information from visitors about their Fondren experiences. More staff should be given the opportunity to conduct library tours. The need for visitor lockers should be assessed and addressed. Kolah, Edwards, Bynog and Spiro will review outstanding issues; the Executive Committee will revisit these issues later this summer.

The group discussed possible re-uses of the first floor space to be vacated by the obsolete Better Light scanner.

Executive Committee members discussed the proposed library hours for fall and spring semesters.

Fondren Executive Committee Meeting Summary (May 15)

Executive Committee Meeting Summary, May 15, 2014

The Executive Committee reviewed Fondren’s memberships in consortia and other organizations to ensure that we are getting appropriate value from them.

The Committee set up the schedule for its upcoming meetings:

  • June 5: K-12 outreach; Horizon recommendations for public outreach
  • June 12: The new ARL strategic plan and its implications for Fondren (
  • June 19: Defining key technology skills for library staff
  • June 26: Technology support strategies for the library
  • TBD: Academic and Research Computing with Mike Dewey, Director of Academic and Research Computing