The C-MACS committee is rolling out a new marketing campaign this Fall. A series of “owl cards” will be placed at service points throughout the library this week, to help inform visitors and students on commonly asked questions. The cards look great displayed graphic-side out, but could also be displayed information-side out.
Each major service point will receive two holders, and the set of 12 cards that make up the collection. Topics include: Food & Drink, Special Collections & Archives, Feedback, Prints, Scans & Copies, Expert Advice, Visitor Services, Research Planning, Geographic Data & Mapping, Study Spaces, Learning Opportunities, Audio Visual Equipment, and Expert Advice.
Inspiration for this project came from the nice “moo cards” Andy Damico, Preservation Librarian, used for Preservation Week in 2013 & 2014.
Several students assisted in the usability and quick identification of the topics of the card, based on just looking at the original designs of the cards, and Jeff tweaked the designs to be cute, and instructive. We hope you love them!
Questions or comments? Please contact a member of the committee: Debra Kolah (Chair), David Bynog, Sandi Edwards, Jeff Koffler, Jean Aroom, Norie Guthrie, and Judy Howell