In recent years, Fondren has been building an impressive collection of livres d’artiste to support the university’s visual arts department. While American artists have been the primary focus, we have increasingly been collecting works by European and international artists. Our most recent acquisition is by the French artist Fernand Léger, consisting of fifteen original lithographs illustrating a selection of poems from Arthur Rimbaud’s Les Illuminations. From a total edition of 395 copies, Fondren’s is one of 25 on vélin teinte lourd paper and includes additional signed lithographs. You can find more information about this work on Princeton University’s Graphic Arts Collection website.
Author Archives: dbynog
New Temporary Artwork on First Floor
John O’Neil
acrylic on canvas
John O’Neil (1915-2004) was one of the first professors of art and art history at Rice. He was head of the Art Department until 1970 when he became the first director of the Sewell Art Gallery.
New Fondren Brochures
The library has recently modified its brochure marketing strategy. Based on the success of the Fondren Owl Cards, which advertise specific departments and services, we have reduced the number of large brochures by updating the primary “Welcome to Fondren” brochure and creating smaller, single-sheet brochures for select departments. Service points should replace any existing brochures with the newly updated brochures; you can check the back of the “Welcome to Fondren” brochure to ensure that your copies show that they have been revised as of 1/16. Any departments interested in a future brochure or owl card should contact Debra Kolah or Norie Guthrie of the C-MACS committee.

Owl Cards now provide concise information about departments and services that previously was conveyed through brochures
C-MACS Updates
Social Media
C-MACS has been working on strengthening Fondren’s Social Media presence. Our new series of Facebook posts, Faces of Fondren, have been extremely popular, and we are in need of additional profiles. Our Instagram followers have increased to 30-40, and we will hold a student contest where all shares on Twitter or Instagram during a defined period will be entered in a drawing for a dedicated study room during finals. Look for more details about the contest soon!
Renovation Open House
Access Services is hosting a study break on December 7 at 10 pm, and C-MACS is providing coffee mugs and cookie trays.
Collaborative/Quiet Spaces
C-MACS is following up on recommendations from the Survey Data Implementation Group (SDIG) about the need for collaborative versus quiet spaces within the library. We will investigate possible spaces and may explore another Space Study.
Fondren 101
A group of staff, including Sandi Edwards, Debra Kolah, Amanda Thomas, Kathy Weimer, and Joe Goetz, are meeting to design a 1-hour course as an introduction to the library, including a 101 on using Fondren’s Website and a tour of the physical space. We aim to roll it out around O-Week 2016.
Mary Bixby Wins Meritorious Service Award
Mary Bixby, who retired as Executive Director of Friends of Fondren Library in 2012, was selected as a 2015 Association of Rice Alumni Meritorious Service Award recipient. The award recognizes Rice alumni, faculty, staff and friends who have rendered significant, sustained voluntary contributions of energy, time and creativity toward the advancement of the university. Congratulations to Mary!
Student Assistant Orientation 2015
On the evening of Sunday, September 13, 2015, the Student Assistant Advisory Committee held its annual orientation for new student workers. Forty students from departments throughout the library attended, where they learned about customer service policies, work expectations, guidelines, and paychecks. Sandi Edwards also provided a construction update and welcome, and Rice University Police Officer Philip Roach provided details on safety and security. All library staff in attendance and the student workers briefly introduced themselves before enjoying a dinner provided by the committee. The evening closed with a viewing of a customer service video created by Rice students.
Bingo Night, September 9, 2015
For the second year in a row, Fondren Library hosted a scavenger-hunt activity to help orient students to service points and resources in the library. This year’s event, hosted by CMACS on September 9, 2015, offered prizes for students who completed a row on their bingo card, with specialty prizes for students who visited every spot on their card. As with last year’s event, students commented on their pleasure at learning about previously unfamiliar aspects of the library, with many of this year’s participants indicating that they had located “nice new study spots.” Special thanks to the Friends of Fondren Library for generously funding many of the prizes!
Fondren at O-Week 2015 Academic Fair
Fondren Library was invited to participate in Rice’s O-Week 2015 Academic Fair. Held at the Rec Center the afternoon of Tuesday, August 18, the fair was an opportunity for new students to learn about different academic offerings on campus. Several library employees took turns staffing the table, providing materials and answering questions about the library’s many services and collections. Here, an academic fair participant proudly displays one of the new Fondren-Library-branded water bottles, which were distributed to all freshman as part of an O-Week welcome packet.
C-MACS Meeting Notes May 20, 2015
C-MACS will restructure the committee as follows:
•Norie Guthrie will serve as a new co-chair.
•Debra Kolah will continue serving as a co-chair through summer 2016.
The following staff will become permanent members by virtue of their positions:
•Jeff Koffler
•Judy Howell
•Debra Kolah
The following staff will serve two-year terms representing their respective areas:
•Woodson (Norie Guthrie)
•Reference (Sandi Edwards)
•Access Services (Michael Chiles)
•Tech Services (David Bynog)
•DSS (Jean Aroom)
Other topics of discussion included:
•Social media;
•Creation of a new “Welcome Video” for Fondren’s website;
•Marketing services: The idea of a master calendar for Fondren events as well as a Survey Monkey training class was discussed;
•Fondren’s participation in O-Week activities;
•Service-point banners: Digital signage is very expensive, and we may explore other options;
•OwlCards updates: Including creation of a card for the Kelley Center.
CORAL: A new ERM for Fondren
The library recently implemented a new open-source Electronic Resource Management System (ERM) called CORAL to better manage our electronic resources. A small implementation group spearheaded by Scott Vieira has been put in place. Work with the ERM currently will be limited to Acquisitions Staff, but use by other departments is being explored to help with workflow processes.