CMACS Social Media Meeting February 18

Sean Rieger, Web Developer for Rice University Office of Public Affairs, gave a presentation to CMACS on Rice University’s social media: best practices, their adoption of new social media channels, engaging users, tracking and analyzing user behavior and engagement, and risk management. It was very insightful!

CMACS is planning a Fondren Library Social Media Town Hall most likely in late May, and we have asked Sean to speak, and basically give the same presentation to the full library staff. Then we will have some time to talk about Fondren Library social media channels, and the goals of our social media.

CMACS November and December meeting notes

Fondren Research Support fair–we plan on having this event next year again. Debra reported that the Asst. Director of the Office of Academic Advising shared that they were very happy to be a part of the event, and want Fondren to participate in their event during O-Week Orientation.

CMACS will hold Social Media Training in early 2015, but date will be dependent on other events. This will be lecture style, in KMR, but we will offer one-on-one sign-ups at the event for folks that need/want some additional support. Training will include: Facebook posting changes, Best Practices, and our current channels.

CMACS recently completed and will send to the Welcome Center a new script for the library portion of the general Rice University tours.

CMACS will be involved in the Ithaka S+R survey to be implemented in the Spring. CMACS will think of ideas to increase faculty and student participation.

C-MACS Activities

C-MACS is investigating interesting freebies and “swag” for students during O-Week and for patrons during the renovation. If anyone has suggestions or sees fun items at upcoming conferences, feel free to pass details along to Debra Kolah.

Committee members are also reviewing Fondren’s brochures with an eye toward revising or consolidating some of the offerings (see list of reviewers below). A centralized method of stocking brochures for each public services area is also being explored.

Jean Aroom: GIS and Govs-Pubs
Sandi Edwards: Collections
Norie Guthrie: Woodson Research Center
Jeff Koffler: Circulation

Access Services will once again turn Kyle Morrow into a study room during finals, based on the successful response from last semester. As in the past, the library will have study break events. Dates for events so far include:

Monday April 28: Popcorn and Coffee break hosted by Access Services
Thursday May 1–Saturday May 3: Pet Therapy hosted by Research Services
Sunday May 4: C-MACS Study Break

Construction Updates Site

The library has a new page to provide staff and patrons with updates about our upcoming construction projects at: Current updates include details on the exact Study Rooms that will be renovated from May through June as well as preliminary details about the basement. Look for further updates on the page as we progress with construction.

C-MACS Report on Finals Project

Library staff can now read the C-MACS report on Fondren’s pilot project to limit access during a portion of Finals to Rice users only (plone login required):

Just as a reminder, after analysis of all of the data, the Executive Committee, in consultation with C-MACS, has decided NOT to close Fondren to the outside public during the spring semester. We will, however, reconfigure KMR into a study hall, and have a series of vibrant events to support students during the Finals time.

Example of owl graphics used in our Finals Project signage

New Music Acquisitions

Cartier's L'Art du Violon

The Library recently acquired two rare French violin treatises. The first is Jean-Baptiste Cartier’s L’Art du Violon, originally published in 1798. Fondren’s copy is an expanded third edition from c. 1803 and is bound in beautiful marble boards. Grove’s music dictionary describes the importance of this treatise: “This imposing volume  contained a comprehensive selection of sonatas and single movements composed by Italian, French and German masters of the 17th and 18th centuries. Cartier included both manuscripts and early editions, and he salvaged a number of masterpieces from oblivion.”


Corrette's L'Ecole d'Orphee

The second acquisition is a much rarer item and the only known copy in a library outside of Paris. Michel Corrette’s L’Ecole d’Orphée Méthode Pour Apprendre facilement a jouer du Violon dates from 1738 and was the most advanced method on violin playing to appear in France up to that time. Corrette would go on to write a number of additional treatises on string playing, and this particular book, which details both French and Italian styles of playing,  provides valuable insight in the historical methods for playing the violin as well as the development of the instrument and its repertoire.

Processing Staff IT Accounts

Just a reminder that if you are a supervisor to any staff members, that when they leave Rice, you log a ticket ahead of their departure with their last day so that all appropriate IT accounts can be locked. And if you have new staff joining your area, even on a temporary basis, we need a ticket logged as soon as you have hired them.  Even if they are not starting work for weeks or months, we need a heads up.  This gives us time to get all the accounts in order so that they can begin work on the first day, if possible.  Not notifying us in advance will delay the process for getting your new staff members up and running.