C-MACS is concentrating on issues and plans for Customer Service training.
The committee is working with Melinda English, a member of HR’s professional development staff, to guide us in the process.
The committee was given assignments to begin the process:
Norie & Sue looked at Peer Libraries. They contacted 10 and found a wide range of information. Some say nothing about customer service while others mention it prominently.
Mary & Bill drew up a business case based on established material about library customer service. The case can be a basis of planning customer service training.
Michael & Jeff looked at Existing Service Standards. Like the Peer Library findings, they are all different. They found in some cases the standards are built into procedures for a department.
Jean & Scott studied Recommendations for Project Communication: There are lots of good customer service stories that should be told. Sometimes librarians are shy and don’t share them.
Melinda looked at Survey Data for both Undergraduate and Graduate students and reviewed other customer service information from different departments. Often customer services issues are actually Policy/Procedure issues. They are issues that need clarification/discussion to enhance customer service effectiveness.
Some of the results are being forwarded to other committees for action.
C-MACS will next look at Customer Service Profiles for Fondren.