International SOS information:
Rice University uses International SOS services for international travel on university business. A benefit of the service is the opportunity for Rice employees to purchase medical and travel security assistance on an individual basis for personal travel at a 20% discount. Staff interested in this should contact the ISOS Individual Membership Department, who will walk them through the process.
International SOS Individual Membership Department
Customer Support
1-800-523-8662 toll free
In order to get the 20% discount, we need to use the Rice membership number (11BYSG000011) and our Rice NetID and password.
Coverage for each trip will be written separately and each quote depends on the details of the trip, such as the travel destination, the age of the traveler, and the number of people traveling. Also, family coverage has some additional requirements that will be addressed during the registration process. We can get a quote for free without an obligation to purchase.
More information can be found at the Office of Risk Management, along with the Rice membership number. Another resource can be found here.